Introducing Letter G

We began Letter G this week and it was a Ggggggreat beginning!  Here's how we began...

In our Letter of the Week packet for G, we have a Song page.  It is sung to the tune of "London Bridge" and tells our schtick for the letter G. 

Glimmercat finds some grape juice (yum! don't all kiddos love grape juice?) and she drinks it down, making the sound of "guh-guh-guh".

After we sang our song, I gave Little Miss her Glimmercat G Path of Motion color page and we began by tracing the path of  motion with fingers...

Then I asked her to fill in the Big G and Little G with Grapes, and that was like the best thing ever.

Teaching Tip:  Use edible teaching tools whenever possible.  It makes everything more fun!

Now, I realize she looks a little glum in this picture, but the reason is that she was not sure she needed to fill in both big G and little g before she started munching on them.   She really thought she should only need to fill in Big G. 

 But when she got the okay to eat them all, it turned out okay:  look at this coy little smile as she pulls them all in for munching. 

Next, we went over our letter G words in our Matching Game.  Little Miss kept calling the Gorilla a monkey, so I figured we needed some YouTube help for getting a closer look at Gorillas.  We found this one and Little Miss giggled all the way through it.  These Gorillas really hit her funny bone.

Then, we went back to affix our Matching Game pieces to their foamy backgrounds.  She's getting really good at this. 

After she finished this job, she asked for a marker.  I handed her the marker container and saw she chose the green marker.  This is not like her, and then I remembered that when she chose the foamy background color, I had told her, "Green is a great choice for this letter, because "Green" begins with the 'guh' sound.  Green starts with G."

She had remembered and chose "Green" to color in G for that reason!  (Excuse me while I thrill over this one! She's doing SO amazing!!!  Okay, I'm done.)  

She also tried out the Path of Motion on her own.  And did pretty good at that, too. 

All of the worksheets you see in this post are available in our Letter of the Week packet for G, here:

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